Cosy conversation over a steaming cup of hot chocolate

Wow, I wanna be just like her.

That’s what I thought when I read the website of a colleague of mine, Barbara Peters. She works in the PR and marketing of food products for the German-speaking market and it shows. You read her website and feel like you’re having a conversation right there and then – with an actual person, not a company. And it gives you an insight into the type of work she could do for you, how she could help you.

Write as you speak is one of the fundamentals of good marketing and interesting writing.

Maybe it’s the first draft that your brain splurges out on the page, maybe it’s close to the final version. But at some point you really need to do away with the templates, stock phrases and corporate speak, and start having a conversation with your reader.

Because that’s what they want.

Nobody wants to be sold to. Nobody wants to read that your company was founded in 1836 at the start of a long and detailed timeline (you can weave that information in your text in a much more appealing way, trust me).

Your reader is a potential buyer who’s reading your website to see if you understand their problem.

If they feel you do, they’ll be drawn in to your welcoming arms as you explain what you can do to make that problem disappear. Then buying your product or service becomes a happy by-product.

My website needs an overhaul like so many others I see and it will be done. There’s a bit of preparation to do first though before it becomes the online equivalent of a comforting conversation over a steaming cup of hot chocolate. Marshmallows and sprinkles optional.

If you’ve got plans for your website next year, it pays to start thinking about it early on. Find out what your clients are really looking for and what they’re not getting right now.

And in the meantime, practice blurting your thoughts out on the page.

I’ll help you tidy it up into appealing English for your English-speaking readers and buyers.

Grab a mug of your favourite comfort drink and head over here to  boost your business in the British market. Small Island, Big Business, The Insider’s Guide to Success in the British Market is filled with valuable tips and insights to get your 2018 off to a great start. It’s the perfect read to motivate you in the New Year. Go to for more details.